This is a poem I wrote at a time (2006) when I was mourning the path that a loved one was going down. It can be about breaking free from many things: addictions, generational curses, peer pressure, societal, cultural, and family pressure, or just the sinful flesh in general.
Break Free

Stand firm on faith
Don't trust your human eyes
Cause everything around you
Is living off of lies
They say love doesn't work
It's weak and ineffective
You've gotta fight for what you want
And leave no room to be rejected
But they're walking on a leash
And they think the guy next to them
Knows where he is headed
But really he's pretending
Just like you
So why are you doing all the things that you're doing?
And who's on the other end of the leash?
And how did the leash get clipped to your collar?
Break free, break free, don't you wanna be free?
So you broke from the leash
And now you're making choices
But you can't help but notice
The sounds of all the voices
Telling which way to go
How can you decide?
You make your decision
And get started on your ride
But as soon as you get going
You see you're facing head on
A stampede of people
By their leashes being drawn
You feel so alone
And you don't want to be seen
So you attempt to blend in
And hide
So why are you doing all the things that you're doing?
And who's tugging on the end of your leash?
And how did you get caught up in all this confusion?
Break free, break free, don't you wanna be free?
They clip a leash on you
And you feel you're moving backward
You fight the other way
But the crowd marches onward
Where are we going?
You finally call out
And you see some folks around you
That seem to share your doubts
Let's break free
You suggest to your neighbors
They say, no we're going this way
As you near the gas chambers
But you see in their eyes
That they wanna turn around
They just lack the strength to do it
Just like you
So why are you doing all the things that you're doing?
And who's tugging on the end of your leash?
And how far will you go before you step up and fight?
Break free, break free, don't you wanna be free?
So you decide you're gonna fight
And you rip off your collar
You walk against the crowd
Even though you're so much smaller
But your heart is alive
That's the only thing that matters
You fall down but you get up
And now the crowd scatters
Cause they see that you mean business
That you know where you're headed
A few rip off their own collars
As the leashholder has dreaded
And you're no longer alone
Now you're strong and moving forward
With so many roads ahead
You're finally free
So why are you doing all the things that you're doing?
You no longer feel the tugging, you no longer wear a leash.
You stepped up and fought and you made the right decision.
Break free, break free, don't you love to be free?
Caitlin, I remember this! I feel like this should be set to music, wouldn't that be cool? It already has a chorus...